7 Mistakes You’re Making In The Morning That Ruin Your Productivity

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many of us haven’t been able to feel productive, and that makes perfect sense. We’re just trying to get through those days, and many of the routines and norms are still completely dysfunctional.

But as the end of the pandemic draws closer and more Americans return to work and school, many of us may be eager to increase our personal productivity, even just a little bit. A morning routine can be a good place to start. Just make a few simple adjustments to keep you energized and productive throughout the day.

With that in mind, here are seven common mistakes people make in the morning that hinder productivity, and what to do about them:

Mistake #1: Forcing yourself to wake up early.

Many articles about highly productive people marvel at how long it takes these high achievers to wake up.But the idea that you have to wake up early to get much done is simply not true.

We tend to blame ourselves when we wake up, but we’re all wired differently.”

Someone who wakes up at 10 a.m. can definitely be just as productive as someone who wakes up at 5 a.m.; what matters is how well they behave after waking up.” Deliberately”.


So if your schedule allows it, play around with your wake-up time and see what feels best. You may find that if you sneak in a few more ZZZs, you’ll get more done in a day.

Mistake #2: Starting your day in ‘reactive mode.’

The biggest productivity destroyer is starting the day in “reactive mode” rather than “proactive mode.”

Many of us check our phones as soon as we wake up, but this puts us in “reaction mode.” In contrast, a more proactive morning start involves taking some time to think about your priorities for the day, go through your calendar and to-do list, and make a plan.NOTE: This does not mean viewing your messages.”An email inbox is not a to-do list. In fact, it’s a list of other people’s priorities, not yours.”

The biggest mistake people make is starting their day without a clear plan of what they are going to do. No matter what plan you make, it should include opening times for the inevitable curveballs.

Mistake #3: Not getting dressed.

For many, this is really only relevant during COVID-19 times, but it’s important to put on real clothes.

Dressing appropriately helps. There’s something in psychology called “clothed cognition,” which tells us that your brain performs differently if you’re wearing a suit, and you get better intelligence scores if you’re wearing a scientist’s lab coat— —Even if you’re not a scientist.

While you may not want to wear a suit around the house, preliminary research does suggest that attire can have a real impact on a person’s attention levels, largely because of its symbolic value. It tells your brain that something is about to happen. Something new and helps you change direction.

Mistake #4: Skipping breakfast and a.m. hydration.

Breakfast is an important part of a successful morning routine because it gives you the energy you need to focus on what you have to do for the rest of the day.

You should be realistic about what you actually have time to do – and keep it simple. For example, Nelson likes to make herself protein pancakes for breakfast, but a simpler option might be a slice of toast with some peanut butter.

Also add moisture. Hydration plays an important role in our ability to focus and be productive.Our brains are strongly affected by our hydration status. Research shows that even mild dehydration, as little as a 1% drop in water status, can impair mood, memory, attention, and executive function.

Mistake #5: Doing too much multitasking.

When you’re trying to get through a long to-do list quickly, it’s easy to juggle a variety of things. (This is also inevitable if you’re balancing work, childcare, and other responsibilities.)

But where possible, you should aim for “single tasking. “Multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40% and can have long-term negative effects on the brain. Transitioning to single-tasking can take several weeks as you need to retrain your brain to focus on a specific task for a longer period of time. But stick with it and pencil in plenty of breaks.

Mistake #6: Not prepping the night before.

At the end of a long day, the last thing anyone wants to do is plan for the next day. But experts say it can drastically improve productivity and could end up causing you more downtime.

It is recommended that people end each workday by making a list of what they must do the next day. Then look at the “hardscape” for the day—meetings, phone calls—and create a rough schedule. When can you complete the tasks that must be completed by the end of the day?

Another key part of preparing for the next day?

Good sleep.

A 2016 study confirmed that sleep deprivation impairs the process of selective attention, or the ability to focus on specific information when other things are happening around you.This means a poor night’s sleep can hinder your ability to single-task and work efficiently.

Mistake #7: Not prioritizing calm.

Mornings can be chaotic, especially when you’re trying to cram in a lot of stuff while taking care of others.But trying to do too much can really backfire.

If we start the day anxious instead of slowing down—when we lose touch with the outside world and experience some peace—this will continue for the rest of the day.What “peace” looks like does vary from person to person. Maybe meditate for five minutes. Maybe it’s sitting quietly, drinking a cup of coffee. Maybe it’s taking your pet for a walk.

Also, whenever you want to change your morning routine, be sure to do it slowly. Do it one at a time, and preferably build on something you’ve already done, Nelson says. So, if you already make coffee every morning, can you use the brewing time to create a nutritionally balanced breakfast? Take some deep breaths? Make your daily plan?

If you try to change everything you do in the morning, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Because when it comes to productivity, slow and steady really does win the race.