How to Stay Safe While Traveling

I, like most women I know, have spent my entire life learning and following best practices for personal safety. I was reflecting on this fact when, earlier this week, a 23 year old woman named Ashling Murphy was killed while on an afternoon jog along a canal in Tullamore, a town about 60 miles west of Dublin. Vigils have been taking place across Ireland, and, on social media, the hashtag #SheWasGoingForARun has been a rallying cry. The Irish police believe that her murderer did not know her, implying that it could have been a random attack.

Ireland is generally considered a safe place to live and travel, with far less violent crime than the US. However, a lower crime rate does not mean that Ireland is spared from the issue of violence against women, nor is the population exempt from other sorts of attacks. Ashling’s murder reminded me of the similarly tragic case of Sarah Everard, a woman who was killed while walking to her home in London.

Women know the risks of existing far too well.

We know that walking home or jogging in a popular area could become deadly if someone, a stranger, decides to try to kill us. Or, as the case of Gabby Petito, a 22 year old American woman, reminds us, it could be our boyfriends who decide to murder us. Of course, the three victims I mentioned are white, relatively privileged and conventionally attractive young women.

The public outcry over their deaths has done little to change the epidemic of violence against women, an issue that the World Health Organization has called “devistatingly pervasive.” According to the WHO, 1 in 3 women is subjected to physical or sexual violence during her lifetime. 

UN Women, the United Nations entity dedicated to gender issues and women’s empowerment, put out a list of 10 things that people can do to help end violence against women. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with their list, but also with the male supremacy movement, the issue of missing, exploited, and murdered indigenous women, and abortion. The issue of violence against women is multifaceted, and intersects with racism, classism, and other social issues.

What does this have to do with travel?

Fair question. Travel involves inherent risk. You’re in a new place, you’re surrounded by new people, you may be alone, and all of those things can be scary. Reasonably so. I mention the cases of Ashling, Sarah, and Gabby because their attacks are reminders that women everywhere are at risk, so long as there are men who decide to attack us. Constant vigilance is reasonable and prudent, and I encourage you to take reasonable precautions everywhere you go. 

Personal Safety

While Salento was probably the area of Colombia where I felt physically safest, the country in general has dealt with decades of violence. Before traveling to South America, I made a point to read Oblivion, a memoir written by Colombian author Hector Abad. The book talks about war and conflict, vividly humanizing many of the country’s struggles. 

The Colombians that I met while traveling openly resented discussions of Pablo Escobar and the country’s history of drug cartels. Despite a greatly improved security situation in recent years, our hosts were still quick to warn us to be careful when out in the city. They told us to never talk on the phone on the sidewalk (always step into a store, if possible), and to take Ubers because they’re safer. We followed their advice and didn’t have any issues while on our trip, 

As a woman, a generally cautious person, and someone without a lot of inherent street smarts, I’ve spent a lot of my time traveling thinking about personal safety. I’ve also been lucky, and I’ve had a lot of people kindly explain local precautions to me when I’ve been traveling. The security situation will be slightly different everywhere you travel, but my overarching advice is to always be aware, be skeptical, be prepared, and be a self-preservationist. 

Be aware

The idea here is simple: know where you are, what’s happening around you, and continuously be checking the vibe. If you suddenly notice that you’re the only woman walking around in a crowded area, it might be time to go home. Here are a few practical ways that you can try to be aware while traveling:

  • Don’t text/talk on the phone while you walk unless absolutely necessary. 
  • Notice your surroundings
  • Watch what others are doing–if they don’t have their phones out, put yours away.
  • If the streets are totally empty, try to avoid walking alone. 
  • Try to dress in a way that fits in with the local population, if possible. In particular, avoid flashy jewelry or other accessories that will attract attention. 
  • Remember: You see people acting normally all day, every day. If something feels “off,” listen to your instincts and react accordingly.  
  • Look both ways before you cross the street and follow other common sense practices
  • Know (generally) where you are going when you leave a place
  • If you need to use Google Maps, take a few seconds to study the route before leaving your Airbnb or the restaurant table
  • Keep your luggage close by whenever possible

Be skeptical 

This one is a learned behavior for me: be skeptical. As much as you’re likely to need to rely on the kindness of strangers when traveling, be sure that you’re always remaining vigilant. 

  • Be very cautious when accepting gifts such as drinks from strangers
  • If something feels off, act on that feeling
  • Double check details like your Uber car’s license plate
  • If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is
  • Always be weary of someone who seems a little too invested in whether you do something
  • Lock up your valuables 
  • Take money out of ATMs in well lit, public places during daylight hours

Be prepared

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Do your homework, know what you’re getting into, and plan carefully, as this can save you a lot of headaches when you arrive.

  • Know the risks for the area where you’ll be traveling. Research using the State Department, blogs, the internet, and friends/family (if possible).
  • If there are serious security risks where you’re going (robbery, kidnapping, etc.), read about strategies to avoid becoming a target 
  • Leave valuables you don’t absolutely need at home. When I traveled to South America, I bought a small Chromebook for $200 so I didn’t have to take my Macbook. 
  • If you’re going somewhere that may have a pickpocketing problem, put $20 in your sock so that you have enough to get home if your wallet gets stolen
  • If muggings are a major problem where you’re going, consider having a “mugger wallet” with you–this is a cheap wallet with a small amount of cash that is easily accessible. 
  • Consider using a money belt if you’re going somewhere with a pickpocketing/mugging problem. Keep it tucked into your pants/leggings.
  • Know (generally) the cultural norms and expectations in the place where you are going
  • Have a backup plan, or at least think a bit about what it might be before you go, in case things really go sideways on your trip. Would you fly home? Go to stay with a friend? Get a hotel? 

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