The 28 Best Full Shade Plants to Beautify Your Garden

preview for The Best Shade-Loving Plants to Buy for Your Home

Sun-loving plants get all the attention! But shady gardens can shine, too. Many beautiful annuals, perennials, and shrubs actually love the shade. Whether you’re planting under fast-growing shade trees, in flower beds, hanging baskets, or containers on a patio, a wide variety of plants love the shade and will add color and interest to your outdoor spaces.

But before planting anything in your garden, figure out how much shade you really have. Full shade means three hours or less of direct sun, while partial shade is about three to six hours of shade, give or take. Some shade lovers, such as flowering shrubs, bloom best with some sun (preferably in the morning because the hot afternoon sun is too intense).

If you’re planting shrubs or perennials, which come back for many years, make sure they’re suited to your USDA Hardiness zone (find yours here). After all, there’s no sense in spending money on plants, then not giving them a chance to survive winters in your area.

Finally, don’t forget that newly-planted flowers, perennials, and shrubs will need some TLC. Water them regularly during dry spells. And for containers, which tend to dry out faster than plants in garden beds, check the pots every few days–or even more frequently if the weather is super-hot and dry.