7 Ways to Relieve Holiday Travel Stress

The holidays are right around the corner, and you’re probably making travel plans for the season. Traveling during one of the busiest times of the year can be stressful due to unexpected flight delays, lurking viral infections, and other travel disruptions.

Understand that it’s completely normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed while traveling, especially when there are so many things beyond your control.

Whether you’re heading home for the holidays or vacationing in a new destination, here are some expert-approved tips to help you make holiday travel less stressful.

Plan ahead

If you’re worried about sudden changes to your travel itinerary, it may be helpful to plan ahead.

We recommend that you consider potential scenarios such as flight cancellations, weather changes and lost luggage. You can then take steps such as finding out about alternative flight options or only taking carry-on baggage if that’s an option for you.

Having a “crisis plan” can reduce your anxiety because you already know what to do if something disrupts your schedule.

Balance your itinerary

Trying to fit everything into your trip, from visiting multiple family members to visiting new places, can be difficult.

Don’t feel obligated to have a fully booked travel itinerary, and don’t feel like you have to be productive at all times. Focus on spending quality time with others, and make sure you take some time for yourself to look after your mental health.

If you are attending an organized event such as a vacation, give yourself some space to relax before and after the event. Doing things that make you happy, like taking a walk outside or drinking your favorite drink at a local coffee shop.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness, the ability to live in the present moment, has been linked to reduced anxiety. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as focusing on your breathing, journaling about your feelings, or engaging in guided meditation.

The physical act of taking a few deep breaths is great for releasing stress and promoting a state of calm.

Entertain yourself

During your journey, you may find that you are waiting longer than planned due to delays. While this can be stressful, think of it as an opportunity to do something fun to lift your mood.

Get creative and engage in activities you enjoy, such as finding a new book to read, starting a new TV series, drawing or even listening to a podcast.

Stay hydrated

It’s easy to forget to drink water throughout the day, especially during the colder months.Make sure you drink enough water this holiday season.

Staying hydrated not only helps our body function, but it also helps improve our mood and energy levels.


Whether you’re on the road or taking the train, traveling to and from your destination can make it difficult to get enough sleep. Prioritize sleep when traveling and aim to get at least the recommended seven hours of rest each night.

Getting enough rest is critical to regulating stress and inducing healthy coping mechanisms.

Give yourself some positive self-talk

You may encounter unexpected changes during your trip, which may make you feel overwhelmed, but remember, this is out of your control. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Tell yourself that your current emotions are completely valid. Engaging in positive self-talk can boost your mood and reduce stress.