Do You Know The Origin of Women’s Day?

Women’s Day is a holiday that belongs exclusively to women. What do you think of this holiday? It is a day for women to celebrate carnival, and it is also a day for women to be free to be themselves. They no longer need to be bound by family and work, and can concentrate and live a life that belongs to themselves and their little sisters.

The Origin of Women’s Day

Women’s Day is also known as International Women’s Day. Internationally, the full name of Women’s Day is “United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace”, which is a festival for women around the world to strive for peace, equality, and development. For a century, women in various countries have made unremitting efforts to fight for their rights.

On March 8, 1909, female workers in Chicago, Illinois, and workers in the textile and garment industries across the country held a large-scale strike, demanding increased wages, the implementation of an eight-hour working day, and the right to vote. This was the first organized mass struggle of working women in history, which fully demonstrated the power of working women. The struggle received widespread sympathy and enthusiastic response from women all over the country and even in other countries around the world, and they finally won.

Before World War I, the shadow of war shrouded the world, and imperialism attempted to carve up colonies. In August 1910, the Second International Socialist Women’s Congress was held in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Representatives from 17 countries attended the meeting. The main issues discussed at the meeting were opposing imperialist arms expansion and war preparations and safeguarding world peace. They also discussed protecting the rights of women and children, fighting for an eight-hour working day, and women’s suffrage. Clara Zetkin, the famous German socialist revolutionary and outstanding communist fighter who led the conference, proposed that March 8 every year be designated as Women’s Struggle Day around the world, which was unanimously supported by the representatives present at the conference. Since then, Women’s Day has become a day for women around the world to fight for their rights and liberation.

How To Celebrate March 8th Festival

On Women’s Day, you can invite some friends to go shopping. Merchants will launch many discounts on the festival day, and ladies can go shopping to buy the items they like.

On Women’s Day, you can invite good friends to sing. Singing activities can not only relax your mood but also connect with friends.

On Women’s Day, you can invite good friends to have afternoon tea. While enjoying the delicious food, you can also chat with your friends about recent events.