5 Spring Flowering Trees: Plant a Few in Your Garden and You Won’t Regret Spring Anymore

Every time spring comes and the flowers are in bloom, it’s a good time for us to go out and enjoy them! However, good times are always short-lived. Going out to enjoy flowers and spring can only be achieved when you have free time. Many times we can only spend the spring busy, which is very regrettable! So, today I will share with you 5 types of trees that bloom in spring. As long as we plant a few trees in the garden, we will no longer regret this spring, because we left spring in the garden!

1. Purple Magnolia/White Magnolia

Purple Magnolia, the flower color is purple and crystal clear like amethyst. Magnolia, the flower color is as white as jade, pure and beautiful. Both of these flowering trees are the most beautiful additions to the garden in early spring!

They all flower first and then leave, that is, they bloom first and then grow leaves. They bloom from February to March. The flowers are huge and numerous. They are very beautiful. The branches and leaves are also very lush. They can provide us with shade and coolness in summer, so they are very suitable for garden planting. They are all trees. As long as they are planted, they require no maintenance. They can be planted in gardens in most parts of the south and north.

2. Begonia

Begonia is a traditionally famous flower in my country. There are many varieties, such as Begonia with silk stem, Begonia with stem, Begonia with suit, etc., which are commonly used varieties.

It blooms from April to May every year. The flowers are mostly red and pink. They are bright but not showy. The flowers are small and dense. Whether planted alone or in patches, they can form a good flowering beauty and are very suitable for garden planting. Similarly, it is also very adaptable can be planted in most areas of the south and north, and requires little maintenance!

3. Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are the main species for flower viewing every spring. Many cherry blossoms are planted in patches, attracting a large number of people to watch and forming scenic spots, such as the cherry blossoms of Wuhan University.

The cherry blossoms in the garden are also very beautiful. For a small garden, one tree is enough, and for a large garden, 3-5 cherry blossoms are even more spectacular. When the flowers are in bloom, you can invite relatives and friends to sit in the garden, enjoy the flowers, and drink tea. It is also suitable for growing in most areas and requires little maintenance. It’s easy to maintain and looks great!

4. Tassel

Tassel, just hearing the name makes me feel more elegant, and it reminds people of some beautiful pictures. When we see the real Tassel tree blooming, we will have a feeling that hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it!

It blooms from April to May. The flowers are as white as snow and like floating clouds. They hang on the branches one after another, dreamlike and beautiful! Likewise, it can be grown in both southern and northern gardens and also requires little maintenance!

5. Chinese Wood Hydrangea

Although hydrangea is also called hydrangea, it is different from the hydrangea we grow in our daily yards. It is a woody plant that is relatively cold-resistant and can be grown in many areas in the north.

Blooms from April to May every year. The flower color is relatively simple, mostly white or light green. But the flowers are as big as a bucket and round as a ball, so they are also called bucket balls. It has a wide range of cultivation and is not particularly picky about location. It can be grown in both the south and the north. However, it takes several years of cultivation to develop large, lush blooms, but it usually doesn’t require much maintenance.

The above are 5 kinds of spring flowering trees that are very worthy of planting in the garden. They can be planted in most areas of the south and north. Not only do they bloom prolifically and are beautiful, but they are also “good babies” and do not require any maintenance. They are simply the best choice for planting trees in the garden. Best choice!