3 Kinds of Goals, 9 Kinds of Healthy Walking Methods!

Power walking is not just about walking straight forward, there are various ways to change it according to your personal needs. According to an analysis of responses from readers of “Prevention” magazine, which has promoted walking in the United States for more than ten years, Americans have used the following 9 ways to walk to achieve different goals.

Walk Happily To Increase Vitality

Even just a 10-minute walk can act like a car recharge and make you more energized because your blood circulation will increase. Research shows that walking for 30 minutes can increase energy by 80%.

  • Take a relaxed and happy walk (at least 10 minutes): Take a relaxed and happy walk, no matter how long it is, it will make your body and spirit energetic. Especially after a concentrated meeting, going out for a happy walk can relieve tension. The mood relaxes.
  • Walking in the mountains and forests: 5 minutes of being close to nature can boost your mood and bring you energy. Use your lunch time to walk around the park. In addition, choose another day to go hiking in the countryside and spend a longer time with nature. There will be less interference and it is easier to relax. This will help improve memory and concentration than walking in the city.

Sprint and Walk Quickly To Lose Weight

You can walk at a high intensity (hard and fast) for 20 minutes each day for 3 days, and then walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes every other day.

  • High-intensity walking on the walking machine (30 minutes, burn 150 calories): Start walking at a moderate speed, such as 5.5 kilometers per hour, and increase the speed by 1 kilometer to 6.5 kilometers after 6 minutes. After walking for 5 minutes, increase the speed again by 1 km, then walk for 5 minutes, and so on. When it is almost over, gradually slow down to cool down.
  • Sprint brisk walk on the trail (25 minutes) (burn 175 calories): After warming up for 5 minutes, walk as fast as you can for 10 minutes, turn around and walk back quickly, but slow down as you get almost back to the starting point. Every time you do this kind of exercise, be determined to walk a little faster and farther than last time.
  • Use weekend marathon walking to burn a lot of calories (60 minutes, burn 350 calories): Invite friends to participate in a marathon walk of up to one hour, such as completing a 21-kilometer challenge, which will burn more calories than walking for half an hour.
  • Tighten your lower abdomen and walk (at least 10 minutes): Whenever you walk, contract your lower abdomen every minute and focus on sculpting your abdomen. And while walking, imagine that your legs are raised to the height of your belly button. When you step forward with one foot, your hips should also move forward immediately. This walking method of rotating to the hips will cause the trunk to rotate, making it easier to move forward. When the lower abdominal muscles are working hard, the abdominal line will become flat and tight.

Climbing Hills to Sculpt Your Figure

  • Increase the incline of the walking machine and walk explosively for 25 minutes, which is very helpful for strengthening the buttocks. You can walk on the incline the entire way or switch to an incline for part of the way.
  • Find a hilly place and walk for at least 16 minutes to exercise your buttocks. Or to sculpt your body, you can first walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes as a warm-up, then repeat uphill and downhill, each section lasts 2 minutes, continue to repeat until you feel that the goal of raising your buttocks has been achieved, and finally slow down. Walk for 5 minutes to relax and cool down.
  • Climb the stairs for at least 5 minutes to double your calorie burn.