Effective Strategies for Repairing Tooth Enamel

There are many ways to repair tooth enamel, such as using fluoride toothpaste, fluoride mouthwash, or fluoride gel. Want a more natural approach? Then you can take vitamin D and calcium supplements. If your tooth enamel is severely damaged, you can talk to your dentist about other restoration options, such as crowns or veneers. Finally, you must maintain good oral hygiene to prevent further enamel damage.

Repair Tooth Enamel

Learn about the causes of tooth enamel erosion. Many factors can cause enamel erosion, including certain foods and diseases. Understanding the cause can help you prevent cavities from getting worse.

  • Acidic drinks such as citrus juices and soda can cause tooth enamel to erode.
  • Foods high in starch and sugar can also erode tooth enamel.
  • Acid reflux disease, xerostomia, genetic conditions, low saliva flow, and gastrointestinal issues can all cause tooth erosion.
  • Medications such as aspirin and antihistamines can erode tooth enamel.
  • Mechanical factors include wear and tear over time, the habit of grinding teeth, friction, brushing too hard, brushing away the softened enamel when brushing, etc.
  • Failure to pay attention to oral hygiene can also cause tooth enamel erosion.

Know the signs of tooth enamel erosion.

  • Teeth turn yellow. This is because tooth enamel wears away, exposing the yellow dentin underneath.
  • Allergies to temperature, sweet foods, and sweet drinks.
  • The teeth are chipped and cracked.
  • There are pits or indentations on the tooth surface.
  • There are obvious stains on the surface of the teeth.

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride can make teeth more resistant to acid and may reverse early decay. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste can help repair tooth enamel or prevent further enamel loss.

  • Fluoride toothpaste is available at most pharmacies or grocery stores.
  • Ask your doctor about fluoride use. Sometimes, too much fluoride can cause further problems, such as dental fluorosis. Children are especially susceptible to dental fluorosis.
  • Your dentist can also prescribe you a prescription-grade fluoride toothpaste that is stronger than over-the-counter toothpaste.

Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash. If you find fluoride toothpaste to be too irritating, consider rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash. This can help repair tooth enamel or prevent further enamel loss.

  • Available at most pharmacies and some grocery stores. If these over-the-counter mouthwashes don’t work, your dentist may be able to prescribe a stronger fluoride mouthwash.

Ask your dentist about fluoridation treatment. Professional fluoridation treatment is most effective when performed by a dentist, who may use fluoride varnish or fluoride trays. He will also prescribe fluoride gel for you to use at home. Fluoride gel protects teeth from further enamel loss and can also prevent cavities and promote overall oral health.

  • Fluoridation treatment can make tooth enamel stronger, allowing fillings and restorations to last longer.

Allow the teeth to remineralize naturally. Incorporate remineralization treatments into your daily oral care routine. This may help repair tooth enamel and reverse decay.

  • Consuming healthy fats, including cultured butter and coconut oil, may help remineralize teeth and promote enamel repair. Drinking bone broth is also a good choice.
  • Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements may help repair tooth enamel.
  • Taking 120ml of coconut oil daily may be useful in repairing tooth enamel.

Talk to your doctor about other repair options. If home remedies don’t repair your enamel, talk to your dentist about other options. Depending on the degree of acid erosion and the presence of cavities, he will make appropriate recommendations, including crowns, fillings or veneers.

Crowns are installed on teeth that are severely decayed and have lost a large amount of enamel. Crowns cover the teeth and restore them to their original shape. A dental crown must be custom-fitted to cover your original tooth and prevent it from further decay and loss of more enamel.

  • The dentist will drill out the decayed tooth and enamel and then install a crown.
  • Crowns may be made of gold, porcelain, or resin.

A dental veneer is placed on the surface of the tooth. Dental veneers, also known as inlays and coverings, are placed on the surface of your teeth to cover the etched areas, cracks, splits, or chips and prevent the etching from getting worse.

Use filling material to repair the acid-eaten portion. Tooth decay causes acid erosion of tooth enamel. Repairing cavities prevents further damage to tooth enamel and promotes overall dental health.

  • Dental filling materials are made of tooth-colored materials, gold or silver amalgam, or composite materials. They are used to fill cavities and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Consider applying pit and fissure sealants. Fissure sealants cover the deep grooves in the molars and premolars, preventing them from decaying. Having a dentist or dental hygienist apply a fissure sealant to your molars can provide up to 10 years of protection against acid erosion and other types of wear and tear.

Complete the fix. You may need to visit the dentist several times to complete enamel repair treatment. Follow your doctor’s instructions for treatment, maintenance and oral care.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Brush and floss your teeth every day, including after meals. Brushing and flossing every day and after meals will keep your teeth and gums healthy and promote repair. Keeping your mouth clean can also prevent the deterioration of tooth enamel corrosion and prevent unsightly tooth staining.

  • If possible, brush and floss after meals as well. Food stuck in teeth can cause bacteria to grow and further damage tooth enamel. If you don’t have a toothbrush handy, chewing a piece of gum can also be helpful.
  • Do not brush your teeth within 30 minutes after eating any acidic food or drink, as acids weaken tooth enamel, and brushing too early can damage tooth enamel.

Limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks. They can cause acid erosion of tooth enamel. Controlling your intake of these foods and drinks can improve your oral health. After eating these foods, remember to brush your teeth to prevent enamel erosion.

  • Make sure to eat a healthy, balanced diet with lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and legumes to promote overall health, including oral health.
  • Some healthy foods are also acidic, including citrus fruits. You can still eat them, but eat them sparingly, and remember to brush your teeth afterward.
  • Sugary and acidic foods and drinks to avoid include soda, sweets, candy, and red wine.

Avoid using mouthwash and toothpaste that contain alcohol. They can reduce the durability of tooth enamel and even stain it. You can avoid these problems by using colorless, alcohol-free toothpaste or mouthwash.

  • Alcohol-free toothpaste and mouthwash are available at most grocery stores, pharmacies, or online retailers.

Drink tap water, not bottled water. Tap water in most parts of China is fluoridated to help reduce cavities and strengthen tooth enamel. Unless the bottled water specifically states that it contains fluoride, processes such as distillation, filtration, and reverse osmosis have removed the fluoride naturally present in the water. Drinking bottled water may increase the risk of tooth decay in children. Substituting bottled water for tap water may cause enamel loss.

  • Additionally, many bottled waters are acidic and not good for your teeth.
  • You can contact bottled water manufacturers to ask if their products contain fluoride.

Don’t grind your teeth. If you have a bad habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, you may damage your enamel and teeth. People who have teeth grinding problems can ask their dentist if they need to use a mouthguard.

  • Grinding your teeth will wear down the restorative materials, causing tooth sensitivity and damage such as chips and cracks.
  • Biting your nails, opening bottle caps with your teeth, or holding things with your teeth are also bad habits. Try not to do this to avoid damaging the tooth or filling material.

Go to the dentist’s office regularly for dental checkups and cleanings. This is an essential procedure for maintaining oral health. See your dentist at least twice a year. If you have problems with tooth or enamel decay, you should visit your dentist more often.

Chew sugarless gum. Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production and help prevent tooth decay. Studies show that xylitol can help reduce bacterial activity and tooth decay, so consider chewing gum that contains xylitol.

  • Brush and floss twice a day. Prevention is better than repair.
  • Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking acidic drinks like red wine can weaken tooth enamel. It’s best to wait half an hour before brushing your teeth.
  • Also, brush your teeth after meals to prevent plaque from forming. If brushing is not possible, chew sugarless gum or rinse your mouth with water.