What Exactly Are the Elderly People Walking Backwards on the Side of the Road Exercising For?

The streets in the evening

There are always people walking backwards.

What’s wrong with this way of walking?

What’s so special about it?

As the saying goes: walk a hundred steps after dinner, live to ninety-nine. After dinner, neighborhoods, parks, playgrounds, there are a lot of people walking, walking not to say, some people have to walk backwards, that is more effective exercise. There are some claims that walking backwards is good for the lumbar spine, good for the joints, is this true?

Today we will study:

What are the benefits of walking backwards?

What are the hidden dangers of walking backwards?

What are the precautions for walking backwards?

Walking backwards is also known as walking backwards, walking backwards, walking backwards. Contrary to walking in the right direction, walking backwards is a kind of reverse order movement, which is a good way to exercise, said Lin Dingkun, professor of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and director of the Department of Large Bone Division of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: when we walk backwards, the body functions will make some adjustments accordingly to adapt to the change in the direction of walking. These adjustments can bring benefits to our body.

1、Walking backwards can correct a slight hunchback

A healthy spine should be straight, however, many people have a slight hunchback. This is closely related to people’s daily life, we usually normal movement, whether walking or running, the direction is forward, long-term unidirectional movement, the center of gravity of the forward shift and forward tilt of the spine will inevitably result in the curvature of the torso, coupled with the fact that some people walk in an incorrect posture, it is very easy to hunchback in the long run. The principle of walking backwards to correct the hunchback lies in the fact that it is the center of gravity moving backward, the curvature of the spine (hunchback) has a certain corrective effect.

2、Walking backwards can relieve back pain

Walking backwards when the human pelvis tilt in the opposite direction of the normal forward walking, can stimulate the infrequent muscle activity. Walking backwards requires the waist straight or slightly backward, so that the spine and low back muscles will withstand a greater than usual gravity and exercise force, so that walking forward is not fully active spine and back muscles to be exercised, lumbar muscle tension is relaxed, conducive to the smooth flow of qi and blood. For people who work or study all day long, walking backwards can effectively eliminate fatigue and relieve the pain of back pain.

3、Effectively exercise the body’s balance

In the process of walking backwards, it can also exercise the body balance. When walking backwards, people’s perception of space and perception will be enhanced because of the exercise, at the same time, when walking backwards, we have to control the balance of the body to prevent falling, which will make the cerebellum in charge of the role of the balance is trained to enhance the cerebellum to regulate the muscle tension and coordination of the function of the movement.

4、Walking backwards can consume more energy.

Walking backwards also has a certain weight loss effect, because walking backwards can consume more energy, walking backwards, people must raise their heads, chest, abdomen, buttocks, can consume the fat of the buttocks and abdomen.

“Walking backwards has its risks.

Although there are many benefits of walking backwards, but this way of walking also has certain risks, said Lin Dingkun, a professor at Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and director of the Department of Orthopedics at Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

1、Restricted field of view

When walking backwards, one’s field of vision is limited, and one cannot observe the road conditions in the direction of traveling through both eyes. If the venue is not properly selected, in the traffic, crowded venue exercise, it is easy to cause their own or other people’s injuries.

In addition, many elderly people suffer from cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylolisthesis and other diseases, walking backwards to pay attention to the rear of the obstacles and pedestrians, the need to turn their heads or twisting waist, the neck turn easily lead to the carotid artery compression, narrowing of the lumen, blood flow reduction, blood supply to the brain is reduced, hypoxia and so on, and in severe cases, and even cause a sudden fainting.

2、Long time walking backwards easy to be injured

▲ lead to lumbar muscle strain

If you lack exercise, the muscles used to keep your spine tilted back when walking backwards (such as the biceps femoris, erector spinae, etc.) will be very weak. In this case, “backward walking” time is too long, the intensity of the exercise is too large, and long-term maintenance of the spine tilted back posture, will lead to related muscle soreness, strain and other problems.

▲ Balance out of control and easy to fall

For the elderly, due to balance degradation, walking backwards for too long is easy to lose control of the balance, walking unsteady, resulting in falls and injuries.

Precautions for walking backwards


Before you start walking backwards, you should do sufficient preparation: keep your whole body relaxed, swing your arms back and forth, drive your thighs to step with your calves, lift your heels, and keep your toes on the ground for 1 minute, then lift your thighs high, and keep your feet slightly off the ground for 2 minutes.

After the preparatory work is done, then raise your leg and lightly step down to walk backwards. When walking backwards, choose a relatively open, flat and safe site and avoid narrow and uneven roads.

At the beginning, the steps should be slow and steady, you can walk and stop, both arms swing back and forth to keep the body balance. At the same time, chest and abdomen, walking toes slightly away from or lightly rub the ground, but also with deep breathing, that is, deep inhalation when starting, backward step deep exhalation.

Repeatedly practiced as above, according to the site walking straight line or circle, the best to adhere to 2 times a day, in addition to the preparation and relaxation activities, each time backward walking for 5 to 10 minutes, step by step, according to the strength of the workout to a small amount of sweating, slight fatigue disappears the next morning for the appropriate amount of exercise.

2、Walking, walking backwards, tiptoe walking mixed up

Walking backwards can exercise usually rarely used waist and back muscles, balanced exercise effect. Tiptoe walking can also exercise to the leg muscles, especially to make the calf muscles tighter.

However, whether walking backwards or on tiptoe, are not normal walking, easy on the hip and knee injury, therefore, they can be used as an auxiliary exercise, but can not be too long, to each 5 to 10 minutes for the best.