Cervical Spondylosis May Also Cause Insomnia! Use These Exercise Therapies and Traditional Chinese Medical Treatments!

Office workers often work on the computer, play with their heads down from work, nine times out of ten cervical vertebrae are not good. If you often feel neck pain numbness, should be taken seriously as soon as possible, otherwise time will accelerate the degeneration of the cervical spine, causing more serious cervical spondylosis.

The cervical spine is a support for the cranium and brain, surrounded by a variety of muscle coverage as well as blood vessels, nerves and spinal cord through. The cervical spinal cord and the blood vessels and nerves next to the vertebrae are the hubs and channels for the brain and the whole body to communicate with each other. When cervical spondylosis is aggravated, symptoms affecting the brain and the whole body are likely to occur. For example, insufficient blood supply to the brain, vertigo, tinnitus, vomiting, sudden collapse, pain and numbness in the upper limbs, increased muscle tone in the lower limbs, and limitation of movement are likely to be caused by cervical spondylosis.

In addition to the above symptoms, cervical spondylosis may also cause insomnia, which is characterized by pain, numbness and dizziness, followed by difficulty in falling asleep, sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality. Carotid spondylosis causes spasm of the vertebral artery, narrowing of the lumen, decreased blood flow leading to insufficient blood supply to the vertebral artery and insufficient blood supply to the brain, thus leading to insomnia. Poor rest will aggravate the symptoms of cervical spondylosis, and so on and so forth in a vicious circle.

For insomnia, most people always think nothing of it, and think that taking some tranquilizers or melatonin can solve the problem, but if the root cause of insomnia is cervical spondylosis, taking tranquilizers or melatonin is treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Moreover, melatonin and other drugs may also have certain adverse reactions. At present, the application of exercise therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and other non-pharmacological therapies are gradually increasing.

Joint Exercise Therapy

Scientific selection of the best exercise rehabilitation training methods. For example, joint exercise therapy can increase the range of motion of joints, relieve pain, improve sleep quality and enhance the effect of rehabilitation treatment.

Sit with your head retracted, eyes flat in front of you, completely relaxed, keep your jaw stable, lean your head back until it can’t be retracted any further, hold it for a few seconds and then return it to its original position. If this is difficult or painful, lie on your back and lean your head back (in the direction of the mattress) while retracting your jaw. Hold for 3 seconds and return.

Neck Stretch Hold your head in a backward retracted position, lift your chin and tilt your head back to the maximum angle, hold for about 3 seconds and return to the starting position. If this is difficult or painful, lie on your back with one hand supporting the underside of your head from underneath and move slowly, holding for 3 seconds before slowly lifting your head back to a horizontal position.

Neck RotationSit in a seated position with the head in a retracted position and turn the head from one side to the other, holding for 3 seconds after turning to the fullest extent.

Neck flexion exercise seated position, head down with chest, chin as close to chest wall as possible. You can cross your arms behind your head and slowly but forcefully bring your head closer to your chest. Maintain the position of maximum forward neck flexion for 3 seconds and then return to the initial position.

It should be noted that cervical spine exercise is mainly suitable for long-term work and mild cervical spondylosis people, can play a preventive effect of cervical spondylosis, but if there is compression of nerves, blood vessels and other symptoms, you need to consult a doctor before doing exercise. Exercise needs to be slow and even, do not suddenly exert yourself. To exercise within their own control, the range of motion until just feel or about to feel pain, and then relax and return to the starting position, do not pursue too large range of motion. If discomfort occurs during training, stop promptly. During the exercise, if the neck pain no longer spreads but shifts to the middle of the cervical spine, it means the exercise is correct. However, if the neck pain is very severe and continues to worsen after the exercise or spreads to a direction far away from the cervical spine, you should stop the exercise and consult with a rehabilitation expert. It is recommended to take a sitting position at the beginning of the exercise, and after mastering the key points, you can stand up or take other positions. If the pain is too severe, you can practice in the lying position.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Commonly used methods include massage, acupuncture and moxibustion.

Tui na is less traumatic and easy to accept, and it can play the role of soothing the tendons and activating the blood, antispasmodic and analgesic, relieve muscle spasms, relieve vascular spasms and nerve entrapment, eliminate or alleviate the stimulation of the vertebral artery, cervical sympathetic nerve compression, regulate the plant nerve dysfunction, and achieve the purpose of treating cervical insomnia.

Acupuncture Chinese medicine believes that liver and kidney loss, insufficient qi and blood, tendon and bone nourishment disorders, compound wind, dampness and cold can lead to meridians and qi obstruction, blood and blood and triggered strong neck pain. Acupuncture can work on qi and blood, camp yin and yang, moisten the tendons and bones, insomnia treatment focuses on the selection of parts of the local cervical spine acupuncture point treatment, and the long-term efficacy is better.

Moxibustion is easy to use, comes in a variety of forms, and can be used regularly as a health care method at home. Moxibustion can improve the local symptoms of cervical spondylosis. The main effect is to dilate blood vessels, improve local blood circulation, relieve spasm of muscles and blood vessels, eliminate inflammation and edema of nerve roots, spinal cord and its surrounding soft tissues, reduce adhesions, so as to achieve the purpose of relieving symptoms.

In addition, for the protection of cervical spondylosis should also focus on the following points. Don’t be sedentary, especially when working at the desk. Sitting is the most common cause of cervical spondylosis. Simple shoulder and neck relaxation exercises should be performed every half an hour to an hour to avoid a single posture. ② Supine position and side lying position have better protection for the neck. Choosing a pillow that meets the normal physiological curvature of the cervical spine is also very critical. ③ local qi, blood and fluid running slow, stagnation blockage, is also a common cause of cervical spondylosis. Normally, attention should be paid to keep the neck warm, to prevent cold stagnation. ④ Strengthen physical exercise, improve physical fitness.

Sleep disorders have become common and frequent clinical diseases. While treating patients with cervical spondylosis, we should also pay attention to their sleep and psychological problems and strengthen mental health education. In daily life, we should always pay attention to our own work habits and health status. The earlier the rehabilitation intervention, the lower the medical cost will be.