Experts Warn: To Take Care of Male Reproductive Health, Bad Habits Must Be Changed

In China, men’s health has gradually been noticed and emphasized by the general public. People’s understanding of men’s diseases has become more and more profound, their willingness to seek medical treatment has become higher and higher, and the demand for medical treatment has become more and more prosperous. Nowadays, there are many factors affecting men’s health, and the research and treatment of related diseases are still in the stage of catching up, which requires that great importance be attached to men’s health literacy, and that popularization of science and technology be further increased to protect men’s physical and mental health.

People often see in the bus body or on TV, similar to “prostatitis will lead to impotence, premature ejaculation, affecting fertility, and even ultimately develop into uremia”, or “see men’s diseases, of course, choose so-and-so hospitals, so that the man back to the swing of the free” and so on and so forth. The actual advertisements are usually not as good as the advertisements. Indeed, prostatitis and male infertility are both diseases with high incidence in men, but in recent years, under the strong “popularization” of a few private hospitals, people always equate prostatitis with male infertility in a natural way. This kind of misinformation has brought a lot of mental burden to many young and middle-aged patients with chronic prostatitis, and even some handsome men are afraid to get married because they are worried that prostatitis will affect their fertility.

So, is there really a scientific basis for this claim? In the end is empty or overstated? Recently in an interview with a reporter, China’s Chinese and Western medicine men’s professional committee members, the second hospital affiliated with Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine men’s chief physician, master’s tutor Professor Zhang Rui pointed out that: “planting melon get melon, planting beans get beans,” in the transmission of this matter, the most important thing is “seed! The most important thing in the matter of succession is the “seed” – sperm. According to Chinese medicine, “the kidneys store sperm, the main reproduction”, that is, only with strong and healthy sperm, in order to ensure that the reproductive capacity of the exuberant. Human spermatozoa are stored in the “sperm room”, “sperm room” is equivalent to the modern medicine of the prostate, testicles, seminal vesicles and other organs, it can be said that “sperm room” is the sperm’s “home”. It can be said that the “sperm chamber” is the “home” of sperm.

From modern medicine, semen includes seminal plasma and spermatozoa, seminal plasma is the living environment of spermatozoa, the relationship between the two is like the relationship between fish and water. Seminal plasma, in turn, is composed of testicular fluid, epididymal fluid and other components, including prostate fluid, which accounts for about 30-40% of the entire seminal plasma. Prof. Zhang explained that the slightly alkaline prostate fluid contains a large number of active proteases and trace ions, which can stimulate the vitality of sperm, promote the liquefaction of semen, enhance the viability of sperm in the slightly acidic female vagina, as well as help sperm to pass through the barriers, and later combine with egg cells.

It seems that the prostate gland and the spermatozoa are indeed “water and milk”, so chronic prostatitis may cause some obstacles to fertility, but not to the extent of “exhaustion”. In fact, the vast majority of men with chronic prostatitis have a mild form of the disease, and although some have severe inflammation, their fertility remains intact. A research study showed that although chronic prostatitis was diagnosed in 209 out of 534 cases of male infertility, it was also found that chronic prostatitis only interfered with one aspect of the semen – liquefaction function – and did not change much of the other indicators of spermatozoa. This result suggests that prostatitis does not interfere much with fertility.

Prof. Zhang Rui emphasized that although prostatitis can interfere with male fertility in many ways, the causes of male infertility are complex and not caused by just one disease, prostatitis. Instead of dumping the “pot” on prostatitis, the treatment and prostatitis “dead” in the end, it is better to take precautions to avoid some unfavorable factors that may cause infertility. The following are some of the issues that you should be highly vigilant about, and take good measures to deal with them.

Unreasonable diet

With the improvement of living standards, people’s dietary choices are becoming more and more diversified, but in fact many people have developed the habit of picky eating. In the case of men, many people prefer meat and alcohol, follow the “no meat, no wine, no joy” dietary creed, Chinese medicine called “wantonly eat fat, sweet and thick taste”; coupled with the modern people eat irregularly, hunger and fullness, the spleen and stomach weak, poor transport capacity, which is very easy to brew dampness and phlegm. It is very easy to brew dampness and phlegm, and for a long time, it will turn into dampness and heat, which will invade the seminal chamber and reduce the level of fertility. Professor Zhang suggested that male friends need to regulate the diet, add dietary fiber intake, more consumption of grain porridge; at the same time, pay attention to moderation, don’t eat too much, to more vegetables, less meat, seven minutes full; a variety of vegetables and fruits can be moderate intake, focusing on timing and quantitatively balanced nutrition, warm and hot appropriate.

Overweight and obesity

Under normal circumstances, men’s sexual function, including sexual desire, penile erection, sexual intercourse, erotic orgasm, ejaculation and other aspects of a complex conditional and unconditional reflexes constitute a complete process, any of the above aspects of the problem, may be brewed into men’s sexual dysfunction. Prof. Zhang Rui explained that the modern so high energy intake, coupled with the lack of exercise, Yang Qi does not transport, qi and blood does not work, phlegm and turbidity, resulting in a lot of people have the phenomenon of overweight. This requires people to control their mouths, open legs, exercise at least twice a week, to the extent of sweating, gradual and on-time exercise. It is important to know that obese people have about half of the performance of low sexual function, and one of the complications of obesity is precisely infertility.

Poor lifestyle habits

“Staying up late and being sedentary seems to have become the norm for people, and it is reflected more obviously in men due to more responsibilities and pressure on their shoulders.” Dr. Zhang Rui cautioned that a long time to stay up late so that the body does not get enough rest, dark depletion of essence and blood; and the consequences of sedentary is more serious, long-term sedentary will cause the yin part of the qi and blood run poorly, the formation of stagnation; and sitting for a long time will make the scrotum localized temperature increases, do not like high temperature of spermatozoa, the vitality of its natural decline, which spares the ability to reproduce. Prof. Zhang suggested that in ordinary life to go to bed early and get up early, early to go to bed and get up early, good health; at the same time to take a good nap, that is, to maintain the habit of 20 minutes of nap every day, 23 o’clock to work and rest on time. A good routine is not only a good habit, by which the benefits are also immeasurable. Then there is more activity, sit for about an hour to stand up and walk around; even when sitting, you can also consciously lift the anus and other sports.

Cigarettes do not leave the mouth

An indisputable fact is that modern men due to stress, often through smoking to relieve, unknowingly become a yellow face, yellow teeth, all smoked “old smoker”. Huge pressure, sometimes really do not know “want to say with whom”, such men are very easy to liver stagnation. Zhang Rui explained, Chinese medicine, the liver is the main excretion, can regulate the release of semen, if the liver stagnation, the release of semen is unfavorable, will make the fertility of the “discount”. Not only that, used to relieve the worry and sadness of tobacco on the fertility of the harm is even more incalculable. Studies have shown that smokers’ sperm are prone to malformations, and the integrity of sperm DNA has a destructive effect. So men should not only learn to be good to their families, but also know how to take care of themselves, do a good job of emotional management, to achieve inner peace and calm, positive and optimistic view of life. To be good at reducing stress, timely elimination of bad emotions at work, and strengthen communication with colleagues and family members.

Here, Prof. Zhang Rui quoted an old saying: “The will is idle and little desire, the heart is peaceful and not fearful, the form is laborious and not tired, the qi from to be smooth, each from its desire, all get what they want”, meaning that the heart is idle and little desire, the emotion is stable and no anxiety, the form is laborious and not make the fatigue, so that the true qi adjustment is smooth, and each person can satisfy his or her own desires and wishes. Therefore, the true qi is harmonized and each person can satisfy his or her own desires. Prof. Zhang cautioned that maintaining a good lifestyle and a healthy mindset is really important in order to achieve “Dad Karma”!