Toothache, Is It Really Because of Fire?

Maintaining oral health is related to the quality of life of an individual Modern people are busy with work, life stress plus dietary habits, lifestyle habits do not pay attention to often appear oral problems However, many people still do not have enough knowledge of oral diseases and there are many misunderstandings

Myth 1: Inflamed gums because of having too much heat in the body?

Case: 26-year-old boy often toothache, accompanied by red and swollen gums. Parents said it is the phenomenon of fire, recommended him to drink herbal tea, detoxification to lower the fire. However, after a period of time, the guy’s teeth became more and more loose, and finally serious aging, every day can only drink congee, eat very thin food, even biting apples are difficult, not to mention eating nuts.

The dentist said that the reason for the aging of the boy’s teeth – periodontitis. Every day after eating cleaning is not in place, there will be billions of bacteria day after day erosion of gums and teeth, and ultimately the formation of periodontitis.

According to statistics, periodontitis is one of the most common diseases in Chinese people’s oral problems, the incidence rate is as high as 80%, equivalent to 10 people, there are 8 people have periodontitis. Its onset cycle is long, and it is not easy to be detected in the early stage. When there are obvious symptoms, it has already developed to the middle and late stages. The best time to treat periodontitis is in the early stages, by strengthening oral cleaning such as careful brushing and regular scaling and maintenance, controlling the plaque in the mouth and nipping periodontal disease in the bud.

Myth 2: You’re young, your teeth won’t fall out?

Case: 28-year-old Ms. Zhang brushed her teeth one morning and found that an incisor fell out, rushed to the dental hospital to see a doctor. The doctor’s words made her thunderbolt. After examination, Ms. Zhang found that the cause of tooth loss is advanced periodontitis, and the upper row of teeth have been loose, the doctor recommended that it should be extracted immediately! Only 28 years old, but like an 82-year-old woman, half of the teeth are gone, the mouth is deflated, a little hard things can not eat.

Dental experts pointed out that dental calculus and plaque bacteria is the main cause of periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene, usually do not have to develop good brushing and eating habits, especially many young people often smoke without leaving their hands, wine without leaving their mouths, so that the surface of the teeth accumulate a lot of plaque, tartar, stimulate the gums, resulting in periodontal disease. Excessive work pressure, long-term mental tension is also very easy to promote the formation of periodontal disease. After suffering from periodontal disease, periodontal tissues are gradually destroyed, alveolar bone resorption, causing teeth loosening and loss.

Myth 3: Is tooth loss a natural part of life?

Case: Mr. Li began to lose teeth in his 50s, and at the age of 68, he had become a “toothless old man” who could only drink porridge and eat tofu every day. Mr. Li’s son took him to the stomatology hospital to make a mouthful of movable dentures, which can indeed restore some chewing ability. However, too hard, sticky food or can not eat, dentures wear the use of the process but also be careful, after eating to pay attention to cleaning and other work.

Dental experts pointed out that tooth loss is not a natural law, but related to periodontal disease! We often take periodontal disease as the invisible killer of teeth, periodontal disease leads to chronic inflammation and destruction of non-stop corrosion of our dental bed, ultimately leading to tooth roots become loose and fall off. When teeth are missing, a person’s chewing function is reduced or even lost. This not only reduces the quality of life, but also affects the body’s absorption of nutrients, and even digestive disorders, missing teeth must be repaired in a timely manner.

Myth 4:Bad teeth, it’s okay!

Many people have experienced “toothache is not a disease, pain is really killing”, bad teeth is just a toothache only? In fact, the teeth are not only chewing, with the whole body disease has a very strong relationship. A number of foreign studies have confirmed that bad teeth, will trigger many other diseases of the body.

  1. Bad teeth, may be Alzheimer’s disease. The University of Illinois has done a study and found that periodontal disease bacteria can trigger cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Because, there is a strong correlation between periodontitis and cognitive decline, it aggravates inflammation in the brain, causing degeneration and a decrease in the number of neurons in the brain, which may lead to Alzheimer’s disease (dementia).
  2. Bad teeth may lead to gastritis and stomach cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has detected Helicobacter pylori infection in 60% of stomach cancer patients, and Helicobacter pylori has been viewed as a class of cancer-causing agents. In our mouth, plaque hides a large number of H. pylori, when the body’s resistance is low, it will be swallowed with saliva or food to the stomach, which may lead to the occurrence of gastric disease and recurrence.
  3. Bad teeth may lead to heart disease. A study by the NHS and the University of Leeds found that people who had a history of severe tooth loss when they were younger had a higher risk of dying from heart disease. This is because the toxins and germs fostered by periodontitis can invade the bloodstream and not only cause platelets to clot, but also form blood clots directly in the arteries, which may cause acute myocardial infarction. In addition, the pathogenic bacteria that enter the bloodstream can worsen the condition of some people with high blood pressure and diabetes! And it will also make the possibility of preterm labor greatly increased! In short, oral health and general health are closely related!

Myth 5: Just brush your teeth!

Many oral problems are caused by poor cleaning, and proper brushing is the most important way to keep your mouth clean. Usually do not pay attention to oral hygiene, bacteria will always accumulate, leading to the accumulation of plaque and calculus, the final result is to promote the occurrence of oral diseases.

Regarding the issue of brushing every day, many people hold an indifferent attitude, brushing casually or brushing horizontally in a wrong way, not to mention once a year, teeth cleaning. Many people even think that teeth cleaning is a means for dentists to make money, and that the more teeth are cleaned, the more sensitive they become. As a result, more and more calculus accumulates in the mouth, and finally triggers periodontitis.

Myth 6: Protecting your teeth must cost money

Many people have a misunderstanding that if you want a good mouthful of teeth, you must spend money on care. Dental experts remind, protect the teeth as long as the daily life, spend a few minutes to do these things can spend the least amount of money, have a mouthful of good teeth.

  1. Scientific brushing

Adults correct scientific brushing method is the pasteurized brushing method.

  1. Correct bad oral habits

Changing bad oral habits can reduce the periodontal stimulation and prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. Bad habits such as biting hard objects with teeth, biting nails, biting lips, etc. should be avoided; correcting habits such as breathing through the mouth will greatly reduce the gingival hypertrophy and gingivitis of the upper front teeth.

  1. Eat more rough or fibrous foods

Rough fiber food, with certain cleaning and massaging effect, can enhance the resistance of periodontal tissues. Reduce the intake of sugar, so as not to sugar attached to the surface of the teeth, triggering dental caries.

  1. Regular oral health checkups

Oral disease is mostly a chronic disease, early symptoms are not obvious, easy to be ignored. Therefore, it is important to have regular oral health checkups every year to ensure early detection and treatment. Adults generally check once a year, children and pregnant women check every six months.

  1. Annual dental cleaning

Even if you brush your teeth every morning and evening, the formation of dental calculus is inevitable. Adhering to the annual cleaning can reduce the accumulation of dental calculus, so that the mouth is always clean. Tobacco, alcohol will corrode the teeth, people with these habits should adhere to the teeth cleaning, reduce the possibility of periodontal disease. It is worth noting that people with a history of periodontal disease should have their teeth cleaned once every six months so that periodontitis is less likely to recur!