What’s the Problem with Feeling like Your Heart Is Pounding All the Time?

Crap, it’s the heartbeat again!

In life, many people experience “heart beats”, and some experience them frequently.

Modern society, stay up late into the daily life of many people, but along with it is often feel the heartbeat accelerated, so people are afraid is not the heart out of the problem ……

What’s going on with the “racing heart”? Will staying up late for a long time increase the risk of heart disease? What are the distress signals of the heart? I’ll give you the highlights!

1 What’s with the “heart skips a beat”?

The symptom of “heart skipping” is commonly associated with various types of arrhythmias, such as tachyarrhythmias and ectopic arrhythmias.

The causes of arrhythmias are physiological and pathological.

Physiological arrhythmia is mostly seen in normal people who smoke, drink a lot of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, physical activity, emotional excitement, nervousness and so on, usually do not need special treatment symptoms can disappear by themselves.

Pathological arrhythmias include many different types, such as atrial premature beats, ventricular premature beats, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, sinus tachycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia and so on. It can be caused by a number of pathological factors such as arrhythmias due to organic lesions in the heart, fever, hyperthyroidism, anaemia, shock, myocardial ischaemia, congestive heart failure, etc.

Pathological arrhythmias require active treatment of the primary disease and, if necessary, pharmacological or interventional therapy.

2 Increased risk of heart disease with prolonged late nights?

Abnormal sleep rhythms affect the functioning of the body’s autonomic nervous system, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

The sympathetic nerves increase the body’s response to stress: raising the heart rate, elevating blood pressure, dilating the airways, and enlarging the pupils.

The parasympathetic nerves are responsible for maintaining many physiological functions of the body in the general state: slowing down the heart rate, lowering the blood pressure, promoting gastrointestinal motility, and so on.

When you stay up late, the body’s sympathetic nerves are in a state of excitement, and in the long run the burden on the heart increases, the autoregulatory capacity of the body is impaired, and the risk of various heart diseases increases.

3 What are the heart’s distress signals?

The most common symptoms of cardiac system disorders include chest tightness, breath-holding, panic, shortness of breath, reduced activity tolerance, depressed oedema of the lower limbs, and pain in the back of the left shoulder.

And many non-specific manifestations, because the symptoms are not a direct response in the heart is easy to be ignored, such as the recent no obvious triggers, the appearance of unexplained tightness in the throat, nausea, loss of appetite, toothache, exertion, mood changes, and so on.

The presence of these symptoms should be taken seriously and prompt medical attention and intervention should be sought to avoid delays.

4 How do you guard your heart health?

  1. Maintain a good lifestyle. Quit smoking and drinking; maintain a good state of mind, long-term bad mood will cause increased blood pressure, weight gain, endangering heart health; light diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; weight control; work and rest, avoid overwork, and maintain adequate sleep.
  2. Proper exercise. A reasonable amount of exercise can increase the tolerance of the heart and increase the contractility of the heart muscle.
  3. Control of primary diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hyperthyroidism, anaemia, organic cardiac lesions and so on.
  4. Regular physical examination. Early detection and early treatment directly affect the prognosis of the disease.